Modern technologies may seem too young, but they show promising results. To prove the viability and effectiveness of using VR in education, VRAR Lab company conducted an experiment in which 153 people participated: 6-17 years old teenagers and their parents. They organised a specially designed physics lesson that opens the subject from a new side. At the end, the participants were asked a few questions on the topic. The result met all expectations: 91.5% of the audience answered the questions correctly. According to VRAR Lab, 148 respondents out of 153 (97.4%) would be happy to take part in such a lesson again, and the majority indicated physics and chemistry as possible subjects.
The virtual reality market is experiencing an extremely active phase of growth. Content sales have tripled since last year, and by 2020, projected to reach nearly $40 billion, according to SuperData Research. VR Planetarium is an advanced way of learning that combines ease of use, high level of involvement and success in the future. Virtual reality is actively integrated into other social spheres of life: the use of this technology is widespread in medicine, corporate training, industrial sector, etc. A full immersion in the learning increases learning efficiency and motivation of children. A realistic picture stimulates the brain, which means a qualitatively new level of information processing based on virtual reality.